Economic Science for Rural Development 2020


21th International Scientific Conference

12-15 May 2020, Jelgava, Latvia


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Scientific Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development 2020” (ESRD) on 12-15 May will take place remotely.
The conference organizers are constantly working on preparing the scientific proceedings, pledging to offer you the best service possible under the circumstances of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Your submitted and accepted research paper will be published in the conference digital library until July 1 and sent for indexing to Web of Science ™, Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters), AGRIS, CABI, EBSCO Academic Search Complete Databases, and Google Scholar Web of Science.
Papers are accepted until 31 March.
Presentation of scientific research results:
          * the authors shall upload the prepared Poster presentation (template here) to your ESRD account until 5 May;
          * all Poster presentations will be visible to the public remotely on the ESRD Conference website on 13 May at 10.00-16.00.
After the conference (until 31 May):
          * the conference invoices in PDF form will be sent by e-mail or original invoices will be sent by post to all participants;
          * those participants who will have prepared and uploaded the Poster presentations on time, will also receive the conference participation certificates.

Possibilities of receiving conference certificates:
1) LLU ESAF room 119 Working days from 9:00 o'clock till 13:00 o'clock (Svetes iela 18, Jelgava, Latvia),
2) by mail - then, send your post address to e-mail!
Also, if someone else needs an invoice for payment, then indicate the payer's details in the e-mail to!


Poster presentations on 13 May at 10.00-16.00