Research for Rural Development 2024

Participants must register for the conference using LBTU CONFERENCE SYSTEM. The registration is open till 31 January, 2024 (Extended to February 14, 2024). All questions about registration, accommodation should be sent to the Conference office.

Conference office

Address: Research and Project Development Center
Lielā Str. 2
Jelgava, LV-3001
Telephone: + 371 28 342 971

Registration Fees

Participation fee for author 350 EUR
Participation fee for LBTU PhD students 250 EUR
Participation fee for co-author/ listener (attend in person) 70 EUR

The registration fees of participant includes: participation, conference materials, coffee breaks, welcoming reception, banquet dinner.
The registration fees of the participant do not include: travelling to and from Jelgava, accommodation and lunches.
The registration fee must be paid as a transfer to the following account:


Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU)

Registration no.



2 Liela street, Jelgava, Latvia

Name of Bank, EKK


Swift Code


Account no.


Reference to be quoted

Registration fee of the conference RRD 2024, ZKI4, Name Surname

If you need invoice, please send us message with necessary information (financial institution name and code, account number, name and address) and we will send you invoice as pdf file.


Reģistrācija ir beigusies!